Outlook freezes and don’t respond properly. The file size of a PST file is fixed. So crossing its size limit will result in PST file corruption. The performance of the Outlook is reduced while performing any operation. Duplicate emails in Outlook occupy the free space in PST file due to which Outlook executes slowly. So this article discusses about some ways to find & remove duplicate emails in Outlook quickly and safely keeping all the important emails intact. They are saved in both Sent and Received folder. But most of us are not aware that while forwarding the received emails addressed to someone else, two copies of the same mail get stored in the user mailbox. They simply press forward and sends it to the required person, without any further delay. Whenever a user receives a false email, i.e email addressed to a co-worker, what they usually do? Let’s see a more familiar situation creating duplicate emails in Outlook mailbox: The duplicate emails also create confusion among the Outlook users. So to decrease the PST file size, removing duplicate emails from the mailbox is suggested. It also results in an increase in their Outlook PST file size or over-sized PST which finally leads to PST file corruption.
Mostly the users, using Outlook from a long time find thousands of duplicate emails in their mailbox.
For example, we can see that a working professional in an organization receives a lot of duplicate emails in Outlook from the same users due to several issues.
There are thousands of same emails stored in various folders of our Microsoft Outlook. According to a survey, normally an Outlook user working in a corporate office receives 50 emails per day on an average. Nowadays, most of the users prefer Outlook as their email application.